Now that you know what kinds of services Atlas Custom Services, Inc. provides, you may be asking yourself what exactly are these services and why would I need them? To answer these questions and many others, we have provided some information giving insight about lawn maintenance and why it is beneficial for you and your lawn.

What is fertilization and how does it work?
Fertilization is the act of enriching things, such as lawns, with the help of nutrients. A good lawn needs adequate nutrients for good growth. Lawns need regular fertilization to keep the grass growing and weeds out. While grasses can survive without fertilization, most will not look nor perform up to the standards we set for them. A healthy lawn is generally green and lush, which is the result of a proper fertilization program.

How often should I fertilize?
Generally, you should fertilize at the beginning of the season when the grass most actively grows. Also, fertilization depends on the intensity of maintenance. Low maintenance lawns require less fertilization. Medium maintenance lawns usually have one additional fertilization added to the program. With cool season lawns applications usually occur in the spring and for warm season lawns another treatment is added in the fall. High maintenance lawns are fertilized on a more precision application during the most active growing months

What is aeration?
Aeration is standard for lawn care. Aeration is the process of supplying the soil with air, by poking holes in the ground with an aerator. This reduces soil compaction and helps control thatch in lawns while helping water and fertilizer move into the root zone. Essentially, aeration supplies the soil with supplemental air which in turn enables healthier growth of your grass. A lawn can be aerated at any time the ground is not frozen, but should not be done when it is extremely hot and dry. Heavily traveled areas will require aeration more frequently.

Examples of an aerating machine and the holes within the soil it produces:


Aeration is most effective when actual cores or plugs of soil are pulled from the lawn. Holes should be two to three inches deep with a range of no more than two to four inches apart. Lawns should be thoroughly watered a day prior to aerating so plugs can be pulled more deeply and easily.

How does Over-Seeding work?
Over-Seeding is a more effective way of planting grass seed throughout your lawn. This process involves the lawn seeder dropping a select amount of grass seed onto the ground while the rotating blades of the seeder blend them into the soil. As the seeder moves forward the rear flap smoothes the soil over the seeds resulting in a higher growth rate of new grass.

What are grubs?
Grubs are turf-damaging insects that feed on the roots of grass and plants. Without treating this problem the grubs are capable of creating severe damage in a short period of time. Grubs aren't always a consistent problem for your grass and that is why they require a special treatment separate from a regular turf program.

What are the benefits of adding limestone to my lawn?
By adding limestone to your lawn you will be raising the pH level of your soil which in turn allows your lawn to utilize more available nutrients and increase its response to fertilizers. Also, a balanced soil pH will allow more microorganism activity to help decompose thatch. Another benefit is that it promotes deeper rooting which increases drought tolerance. Overall, the applied material actually adds nutrients to the soil.

Renovate Your Lawn


What to do?

Get Your newly renovated lawn off to a good start Here are a few tips to give it a healthier start. A little attention now will go a long way towards years of beauty and enjoyment of your lawn.

The single most important requirement for germinating grass seed is adequate moisture. Keeping the seed and soil damp-either by rainfall of irrigation-is necessary for proper seed development.

The first watering should be done shortly after the renovation is completed. Gently moisten the soil to a depth of two to three inches. Be careful not to apply water with such force that it dislodges seed or washes away soil.

Limit activity on your newly-renovated lawn. Pampering your new lawn for a few weeks until grass becomes established will insure quality and beauty in the future.

When the renovated turf is well-established, resume normal mowing practices but removes no more than one-third of the leaf at any one mowing.

Keep in mind that the most important requirement for proper mowing is a sharp mower blade. A dull blade rips and shreds the grass instead of cutting it; seedlings can actually be torn from the soil. Mowing with a dull blade also causes other problems like brown leaf tips and increases disease susceptibility.

To enhance the establishment of your newly-renovated lawn, we will come back to fertilize within 30 days of initial mowing.

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